We are 5 friends, wanting to travel by boat by the coast, stopping on different cities , then going around the globe, stopping by differents countries of different cultures on different continents. Art, by different means is a big part of our willingness to share ideas in between us and others as much as creating contacts in between peoples of different places.
Our project is based on meeting, communication and willingness of sharing ideas, thoughts and projects with others. Many means allow that communication, especially art.
Art is here thought as communication , both as between the artist and the audiance, and as the artists themselfs, which is potentially anybody. Which means that our goal is not only to show art to people to try to make them understand, or think what we think is right or good, but really be a way to express themselves by doing it. To us, art under all its forms has a social power.
We are 5 friends, wanting to travel by boat by the coast, stopping on different cities. (and then south outside usa,dominican republic , jamaica, haiti...)
Art, by different means being a big part of our willingness to share ideas in between us and others as much as creating contacts in between peoples of different places.
Practically, the art project would consist of 3 parts, organizing a community and get support around the project on internet, create art on different places and finnally connect communities and peoples around art projects.
For the first one, having an open place to share our ideas and get new ones from others, debate about the goals of art and the ways of reaching peoples that are usually not seeing art as a way to express themselves, is a necessary and usefull thing. Also to get support and make contacts with communities, schools or other groups.
Then teach, create and show art, i.e after getting peoples (by sending mails , letters, or talking to representants of schools or organisations, or individuals) and a place , giving them first the material means of making art ( pencils, paper, paint, rocs, wood... ) and offering our experience of the many techniques we know.
Having a boat on that process is a big help, because more than being a way to travel, easily meet people and transport a lot of material, it offers a place to create that is always available for small groups up to 10 people.
Strongly believing that expressing yourself is following the purpose of being proud of yourself, understanding yourself better and asking yourself questions of how to be someone better, Art under all the ways we are imagining it is a mean to find solutions of everyday problems , a step closer to freedom and solidarty.
We want to propose art under the ways of photography, painting, sculpture, dance, circus, music...
Hopefully, we can create structures that will continue existing after we leave a place, especially by getting material support ( money, material) from organisations and individuals.
Finally, traveling around will give us the opportunity of creating a web of small groups of artists that could communicate (internet, mail, maybe meetings) and help each others , as much as having the weight of a known NGO to show their and our art to an audience, to express our views on the world , society, peoples... and try to pass on our feelings and ideas.
As a conclusion, I believe our willingness to understand and change our world is based on the idea that we should all have the possibility to express ourselves, and art is the universal langage in which we may all communicate, understand and then love each other.
Our project has as a goal to share, have fun, meet others, get richer (not monetarily of course), discover and maybe help if we can. --Julien Pernot
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